Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Video - Trains and HD Motorcycles

This new Harley Davidson video shows you how railroading takes its place of prominence in an urban landscape; seamless integration, a mechanical backdrop. Nowhere, yet everywhere. Railroad tracks - and the trains who love them - serve as much of the landscaping while Harley highlights the new Iron 883 model Sportster. It does a fine job of blending two of the things I love in life, trains and motorcycles. If I had a fatter wallet, I would be doing the Iron 883 treatment to my own 883 Low!

The setting of this video? Probably Southern California based on the terrain, a license plate I saw, and the copious number of UP engines running through much of the video. Enjoy!


  1. I own and ride HD's for over 30 years, I like this site, I'm happy to have found you.
    Never really thought of trains in the way you presented them...but always had a fascination...that I never questioned. Now you got me wondering...and that's not at all a bad thing.

  2. Glad you found us Chessie. Keep riding and keep blogging!
