Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tacoma Wants to Buy BNSF's Prairie Line

Tacoma sees benefits in this unused line that runs through the UW-Tacoma campus, for use as a trail. The proposal, in its first stages, could benefit a lot of people in terms of mobility.

Monday, May 26, 2008

SD60s in Eastern WA

Washington is a very diverse place geographically. What goes in terms of weather patterns for Western WA gets cut off at the Cascade Mountain Range, leaving Eastern WA with an entirely different set of weather rules. The sparsely vegetated hills and desolate beauty are testaments to the amount of sun and rain the area receives.

In one photo Kyle Weismann-Yee captured that desolation plus the quiet terrain of Eastern WA by shooting this photo of Oakway SD60 locomotives hauling freight past John Day Dam. Check out the color of the clouds. Yeah, that's real. Many of photos I've taken in and around Seattle have that same color, which means that the east and west parts of the State do share at least one thing.

See more of Kyles photos by visiting his PBase archive HERE!