Saturday, February 14, 2009

Light Rail - Bellevue Shapes Future With Transit

This short Editorial piece discusses and describes accurately the feeling of excitement that many on the Eastside feel about getting Light Rail over Lake Washington.

Yesterday's article about what's called the Bel-Red Corridor puts the editorial into perspective; a large chunk of the region has been in decline for a decade, which is a good indicator that rezoning and new thinking are in order. The fact that Bellevue wants to build this up around Light Rail is a promising development. Mrs. WARail - who was born and grew up on the Eastside - laments the disappearance of the Bellevue she's known since she was young, but understands that change is imminent and in this case an addition to the quality of life for the region.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Archive Photo - UP in Pullman

Another example of motorcycles and trains...

The other day I found some negatives in the garage, black & white but with no prints to be found anywhere. They document the two motorcycles we owned at the time; I only remember vaguely taking these photos, and I would have never figured they would have any significance someday.

This particular one is significant for what is no longer there. Primarily the shot depicts my wife's 250 Rebel in 1990 along SE Riverview St, but also shows former Missouri Pacific railcars owned by the Union Pacific - presumably there after dropping coal at the university power plant. Behind it, the East Main Street bridge - then locally known as "The Viaduct." The UP no longer runs through Pullman, nor does the BNSF; both pulled out in the early 1990s and the area has been Short Line territory ever since - now under the ownership of the State and serviced by the Washington and Idaho Railroad.

For more archive shots of Pullman and other areas, visit Robert McDonald at Oil-Electric. For pictures in and around Pullman from the present day (and Washington at large), visit Mike Bjork's collection at!