Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Amtrak Leavenworth Station NOT a Bust!

Wow, talk about turnaround!

Within hours of the last blog post about Leavenworth's Icicle Station, I received an email from a Leavenworth Real Estate agent telling me the project was actually a go. He then put me in touch with the mayor of Leavenworth, who told me it's active and moving forward.

"We have passed 65% construction documents and will have our 100% plans on Jan 15, 2009," he says. "We will go out to bid for construction in Feb, with construction anticipated to start mid-March 2009. We are currently working on our agreements with Amtrak for Operations and Maintenance. We are estimating service start in mid to late September 2009."

So now we've got a clear idea of what's going on. Visit the Icicle Station Website or read the Official Press Release from the City of Leavenworth HERE!


  1. Why not just put the old depot next to the current tracks. It is still in town. Certainly would cost a lot less, and it is already decorated up in the Bavarian motif.


  2. One never knows what could happen these days!

  3. Thanks for your interest in the Icicle Station. The old station is the current Grange Hall that is being used (located downtown and over a mile away from the site on North Road) and is not owned by the City of Leavenworth. The current plan addresses parking, lighting, passenger operation requirements, regional, state and federal permitting, as well as environmental permitting. Unfortunately, it is not as simple, and inexpensive, as just moving an existing building.

  4. I'm glad I could help set the record the straight.

    On another note, Geordie is a Scottish nickname for George. I'm sure the mayor would also be happy to confirm that I am a he, not a she.

  5. Man...I am full of mistakes! Sorry about that Geordie; I'll fix it in the post.
