Thursday, December 13, 2007

Police investigate streetcar sabotage attempt

Man, the thing just started running and someone sabotages the tracks!

Police investigate streetcar sabotage attempt

While some of the comments are off-color, the Sound Off regarding this article has some funny points.


  1. So some kid leaves a ball bearing on the track to see it get flattened. Big damn deal. How many of us as kids put pennies, nickels or dimes on rail tracks to see them get flattened. Did this amount to a criminal investigation by Home Land Security? Which, thank god, didn't exist back them.

    I, for one, am sorry to see Seattle fall to the alure of a fixed rail system.

    I've seen it ruin communities in San Francisco, BART,and Portland, TRI MET.

    A fixed system cannot respond to traffic demands, and places in the community a DEVISIVE concrete, steel and rail barrier.

    I can give many examples of both the BART and TRI MET experiences, for those who wish to engage my comments!

    Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

  2. You're right...pennies and nickels aren't a big deal. Other news services have put the size of the ball bearing at the size of a baseball, which could have become a airborne weapon if thrown by a wheel. I'm not interested in seeing that Death Star fly...

    Funny how I hear more good about BART than I do bad. Trains magazine did a write-up on Portland's system a couple months ago, and it didn't seem like people hated it. Why would that be? Devisive? Urban centers are going to have barriers of that nature. Not always welcome, but a fact of progress.

    Thanks for the comments.
