Monday, February 4, 2008

Amtrak's Pioneer could Return to Seattle - Salt Lake

Could Amtrak service through southern Idaho return? That's the question some people have since Amtrak is seeing a growth in passenger numbers in the last year or two. The Pioneer was discontinued in 1997, and could return after a feasibility study is done and equipment is located. At this point Amtrak is maxed out on its equipment, essentially using every nut and bolt they own to serve the routes they have. To reinstate the Pioneer, it would require new trains.

Many are optimistic about this route between Seattle and Salt Lake City returning, including the head of Amtrak. But the Idaho governor wants to make sure the train will pay its way rather than being a money sapper. The environment for passenger rail service has changed in ten years, so the possibility for the Pioneer coming back - and making money - is a good one. If it does, it will be the first passenger route reactivated by Amtrak in the last 20 years!

1 comment:

  1. That would be AWESOME! Even BETTER would be, in my opinion, reinstatement of the North Coast Hiawatha following the old NP route across Washington and Southern Montana.
