Making steam-powered locomotives relevant in the 21st Century is a daunting task. It means taking technology from the 1800s and teaching current generations about the legends and history of US Railroading. After steam was removed like the plague from railroads in the 1950s, the task of telling that American story was handed to the men and women who worked on them coast to coast. Then a second generation took over, people who were too young to work on mainline steam in revenue service but grew up listening to the hiss and spit of these big beasts from trackside. With each passing generation, their story was farther removed from what it meant to live and breath steam engine service. In the early 1990s we lost the
Norfolk & Western 611 - one of the most beautiful steam engines I've ever seen - from excursion service. Many of the massive machines that remain are beyond functional repair and are only suitable for display.
Only a fraction of these legendary monsters of history still operate in the US, bound by obvious safety laws that have made them antiquated in appearance only, but very modern under the skin. Thanks to dedicated railfans, engines like SP 4449, SP&S 700, UP 844 & 3985 and others have been preserved for future generations to see and experience with a full head of steam. But with fewer steam engines on the tracks, it means the story of steam is tougher to tell. But despite their reduced numbers, steam locomotives are still amazing and mesmerizing new generations of kids all over the country.
Now an extra arrow has been added to the quiver of steam awareness; Union Pacific has entered the world of
Social Networking by starting a
Twitter account for the
UP Steam Program. If you're not familiar with the service, think of it as an extremely small version of what you're viewing right here - a mini-blog with 140-character posts. Much of the media surrounding Twitter lately has been filled with excitement, because as a communication tool it is simple and effective. It forces a person to make smart word choices, because there are only 140 characters to work with. If you're not long winded, and you just want people to know where you're at, then Twitter is for you.
That's why UP's Twitter account for steam makes so much sense. Railfans can follow the progress online as UP 844 and 3985 move around the nation on their seasonal tours. No frills, just basic info saying where they are and what's happening with the units. Also, from the messages posted, I discovered that UP has 50 different Earth Day projects going on in 40 locations. Clearly this is a tool that will provide a 21st century view (
including pix) into steam railroading, in a form not previously used. The online masses can now see and understand the machinery that made this country. Check out the feed right here:
http://twitter.com/UP_SteamAnd while you're at it, you can follow Washington Railblog too!