Friday, March 27, 2009

Eastern Washington Gateway Line in Trouble

We seem to be getting all sorts of new out of Eastern WA lately. While Old MILW trackage near Othello is on the radar for recovery, another shortline is at risk.

The State of Washington and a shortline operator may part ways on the Eastern Washington Gateway Railroad, which is owned by the State and operated by US Rail Partners Ltd. A number of issues are in play with the shortline that runs from Cheney to Coulee City. Required rail tie maintenance has not been done. Also, a rough wheat harvest would typically be a majority of the traffic on the line, but this year the harvest was bad. It's hard to point blame at one thing here, but the end result is one less railroad and a ton more trucks on the road.

Talks are ongoing


  1. One story I heard is that they are required to keep operating until the state finds a new operator.

    Wonder if fuel-efficient and cleaner locomotives would have helped, but I know this is not California with their Carl Moyer program, and Eastern Washingtonians would probably not want that Westside Liberal(I hate polarizing either way, by the way) Agenda there, even though the railroads in California taking part, see fuel conservation savings as the main benefit, not an environmental or political reason, except possibly being a good neighbor, like in the case of Pacific Harbor Lines or Metropolitan Stevedore. This would be a good test of the GenSet's capabilities too, but unfortunately it would be seen as a political agenda, not trial for making the railroad operate better. If the high fuel costs weren't there, state help for getting the new locomotives, might have been more money for the required maintenance.

  2. I like seeing those SD45s in Coulee City, my hometown.

    The line needs more than ties. The rail is very old, some up to 100 years old. If there was ballast, is it long gone in places. There are low spots everywhere. Plus there are a few significant grades.

    I hope the EWG hangs on. The rumor mill has it that when they took over the spur around Fairchild Air Force Base, that operator's old GP7 came with the deal. I want to see that in Coulee City.

