Monday, December 31, 2007

Plan to Connect Portland MAX with Vancouver WA

Plans for a light-railline to Clark County are getting more tangible, with a proposal to extend an existing MAX route over the Columbia River and into downtown Vancouver. Amazingly, the money for this conservative proposed plan is already available, and Clark County is very receptive to the idea of having a light-rail connection.

1 comment:

  1. This story gets dusted off about once a year. Never going to happen without a new highway crossing of the Columbia. Has to mate with the "line to nowhere" Interstate ave extension in Portland. But a new Interstate highway bridge is twenty years away - that brehaha first started when I moved to Portland in 1970! And it still isn't any closer. Finally, if and when the pieces fall into place and a new Interstate Highway bridge, incorporating a light rail right-of-way is christened, the line would go into the least population area. The "real" Vancouver epicenter is 5 miles to the east.
