Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thoughts on Expanding Sounder Service

If you have the time for two cups of coffee, Seattle Transit Blog's post about expanding Sounder service is a good read and reflection piece. Brian Bundridge lays out his thoughts on sending trains out to the suburbs (or not so much in some cases). Comments to the post are also showing a high level of interest in seeing something like this work.

It all comes down to one observation and one question: there is definitely some evidence to the benefits of establishing service to outlying areas of Western Washington. How is it paid for? The evidence for that is not so clear.

1 comment:

  1. Daylight service to Spokane?? Yeah, okay, righto! And I'm Captain Kangaroo.
    This would be the last of the lines to be implemented, regardless of which mountain pass they use. Or, they could take over the old MILW right-of-way. Just how much do they want to spend?

